In 昔日講座

香港大學教育學院推出「知識交流短片系列 (學前篇)」分享實用育兒技巧 。

歡迎同工到香港大學教育學的 YouTube 頻道觀看:



•   如何透過遊戲及奬勵提升小朋友的情緒智商(EQ) ?(陳潘潔玲女士)
•   家長如何協助K3小朋友發展書寫能力?(李佩鈴博士)
•   如何加強小朋友與父母的連繫感?(袁文得博士)
•   如何透過助聽器幫助小朋友改善聽力及語言發展能力?(黃麗娜教授)
•   如何使用「無字書」幫助幼兒學習中文?(李佩鈴博士)
•   小朋友口齒不伶俐是否等於有發展性語言障礙?(黄美燕博士)


HKU Faculty of Education launches the “Knowledge Exchange Video Series (Preschool Series)” to share practical parenting tips

Preschool children between the ages of three and six develop rapidly in language, emotional and social aspects, but at the same time, they encounter varying degrees of difficulties and challenges. When children have learning, behavioural, emotional or social developmental problems, parents often feel helpless. In view of this, the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong has launched a series of Knowledge Exchange videos to share practical tips and skills of parenting with the public, as well as to help parents understand the needs of their children’s growth and establish a good parent-child relationship in a simple and interesting way.

The topics and speakers include:

•   How to enhance children’s EQ through games and rewards? (Mrs Kit Chan)
•   How can parents help children in K3 improve their writing ability? (Dr Diana Lee)
•   How to enhance parent-child connectedness? (Dr Yuen Man Tak)
•   How to facilitate children’s hearing and language development through hearing aids? (Professor Lena Wong)
•   How to use wordless picture book to help children learn Chinese? (Dr Diana Lee)
•   How to enhance the language skills of children with language developmental delay? (Dr Anita Wong)

The videos are uploaded onto the Faculty’s YouTube Channel. Please watch them at (in Chinese only). We hope these videos are helpful in nurturing your beloved kids!
